Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Job

I have realized that I do enjoy my job while I am there.... So as long as it does not cause me an intense amount of problems from this point on I will not be looking for a new job and will keep the one I have. There are worse jobs to have, so I really shouldn't cry and moan about it.

On a different note, the 21st is the first day of spring. Hooray! I love warm weather and bright sunshine. I am really hoping that this patch of warm weather stays with us this time. Nothing was better then the warm 60 degrees we had last week.

I am one hundered percent sure that Jesus hates winter. No doubt about it.

God bless!


KayMac said...

"Nothing was better then the warm 60 degrees we had last week." Nothing was better than getting to see you for a bit last week.

Kalyn Marie said...

my mom doesn't feel to comfortable going to church by herself, so i was wondering if you, rachel, my mother, and I could go get lunch of coffee so she could get closer to you and not need me to be there to go.

KayMac said...

sure! that would be a pleasure!